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Monica McClure

It was a spare existence

And I long for it still

Less means less 

This thin subsistence I understand 

Someday child of pumpjacks 

I sat atop an oil well counting my wins

Like cotton bulbs baled, they were just enough

A fake preacher told me I was sad

Even at the bottom there’s room to turn a profit 

I was too pliant to want more

Until out of the limestone grew 

A mound of fluorescent lantana 

And an appetite was born 


Monica McClure is the author of Tender Data (Birds, LLC, 2015), Concomitance(Counterpath Press, 2016), Boss Parts 1& 2 (If A Leaf Falls Press, 2016), Mala (Poor Claudia, 2014), and Mood Swing (Snacks Press 2013).

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