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Jude Marr

spider on a cold expanse of glass: your padded claws, tiny

to the human eye, never misstep: your leg-hairs hear 

the beat of winter’s wings— 

                                               find my window’s crack 

and crawl in: my home’s dark 

corners do not hide a broom: make my room 

your own: spin filaments as sanctuary, silk strong enough 

to catch the light—

                                 cold-blooded spider: I know you 

do not fear winter’s beak: nature has made you predator

and prey: stay

                         of execution is my offering: all I seek

is fractal consolation from the corner of my eye.    

Jude Marr is a Pushcart-nominated nonbinary poet who writes to survive. Jude’s first full-length collection, We Know Each Other By Our Wounds, came out from Animal Heart Press in 2020 and they also have a chapbook, Breakfast for the Birds, from Finishing Line Press in 2017. Their work has appeared in many journals, including Kissing Dynamite, Cherry Tree, Harbor Review and SWWIM. Jude recently relocated back to the UK after 10 years of living, teaching, and learning in the US.

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